JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) and PNG (Portable Network Graphics) have become the most common file formats of modern image technology. These file formats are built to be compatible with modern browsers, broadband speeds and also suit the needs of every average tech user. Although these two file formats serve the same purpose, they have differences in image quality. There is always going to be a preference depending on the type of image the user wants to store.

JPG is a lossy image compression format that is useful for storing photographs at a smaller size, it discards some of the image information in order to reduce the file size. The PNG format, on the other hand, is a common choice on the web. It is a lossless compression file format that is useful for storing line drawings, texts, and iconic images. It keeps all the information and the quality will not change but the file size is usually larger.

The purpose of this article is to give detailed information on how JPG file format can be converted to PNG file format on MAC.

MAC stands for Media Access Control; it is a slang for Apple computers. Mac OS is only available on Apple computers and workstations. Mac OS has a popular feature of desktop interface with a 3D appearance characteristic. The Mac operating system comes with Apple Computer’s iMac.

Part 1. Online Free Converter-JPG to PNG Conversion

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Online UniConverter


Online UniConverter is a web-based online tool for you to convert and compress images, videos, and audio files for free. There is a free trial area below, and you just need to upload or drag and drop your JPG image file to the function area, select the PNG format as the output, then click the Convert button to start the JPG to PNG file conversion.


Part 2. Convert JPG to PNG in UniConverter Mac

a. What is UniConverter?

UniConverter is simply a video converter for PCs including the Mac operating system. UniConverter is a very versatile vector graphics translator. It provides the necessary tools needed to convert from one graphics format to another which makes it handy.

It is worth mentioning that you’ve got to install Python on your Mac OS laptop and allow administrator privileges in order to use UniConverter. UniCoverter software comes in various versions and editions. This software is said to serve as a remedy for all videos related functions. This means that the UniConverter software can potentially be a solution for all video editing and conversion process. It can convert, edit, download, burn and transfer videos.

Wondershare UniConverter
  • · Support batch processing of image conversion.
  • · Convert photos to over 1000 formats, including JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, and others.
  • · Convert JPG to PNG or specific devices formats without any trouble.
  • · Transfer converted image files from PC/Mac to external devices easily via a USB cable.
  • · Versatile toolbox combines Image Converter, GIF maker, video compressor and screen recorder, and others.

b. Steps On How to Convert JPG to PNG File Format on Mac

Step 1. Select any image of your choice in the preview program.

Step 2. Click export from the file menu in order to send the specific images.

Step 3. Choose your desired format from the drop-down menu i.e. JPEG or PNG.

Step 4. After typing in a name and selection of location, click on Save.

c. Pros and Cons of Uniconverter on Mac


  • It has a user-friendly UI with menu options that are self-explanatory. This means any new user can get familiar with the software without the help of an expert.
  • The conversion process is transparent and fast.
  • The process of merging videos is very easy. It can be done in just a single tap.
  • It is versatile and has a lot of features that can serve most of your video related functions.
  • It can be downloaded on both Mac and windows allowing both users to get access to it.
  • It can convert images in batches at once (at least 15 images).


  • It requires the installation of Python 2.6, PIL 1.1.6 and ReportLab 2.3 for all Mac OS X.
  • It has limited options for output video.
  • Uploading a large file to an online video compression could be a difficult task which is at times discouraging.
  • Uniconverter has few optimization profiles when compared to other products.

Mac OS doesn’t come with a built-in ability to convert videos therefore; a third party is required for Uniconverter to work. This means you have converted some native image to specific formats.

You could download Mac and Windows version of Wondershare UniConverter here.

Part 3. Use Mac Built-in Preview Utility to Convert JPG to PNG

The built-in preview utility is a default application in the Mac OS used to view files such as JPG and PNG files. The application offers a quick way to view various documents. The built-in preview is a feature if the all Apple’s Mac OS.

Mac built-in preview is really a useful app for basic editing. It has all the basic features required for optimizing images. However, when you need to edit too many photos, it's better to move on to a more powerful tool that can easily handle batch processing.

Steps for Converting JPG to PNG on Mac Built-in Preview Utility

Step 1: Select all the images you want to convert. You can pick up to 15 images at once by grouping them together.

Step 2: Double click the one of the selected images to open them in preview.

Step 3: Go to the preview sidebar and click the view menu button and select thumbnails.

Step 4: Select edit then selects “All images” from the preview menu bar or you can use short key command Ctrl-A to select all the open images.

Step 5: Select the specific file then click Export selected images from the menu bar.

Step 6: Pick a location of where you can export all your converted images to. Select the option button in the export window.

Step 7: Drag the quality slider to your desired choice. However, be conscious of the file size.

Step 8: Go to the format dropdown box then select an image type. It could be JPG or PNG depending on the format you are converting to.

Step 9: Then click choose image.


The internet is used for several things and sharing of images and multimedia file has undoubtedly been the most popular usage of the Internet. It is necessary to select a particular choice of file format where you can convert images for better quality.

It should also be noted that using the Uniconverter comes in various compatibility. Hence, your images need to comply with whatever format the particular website accepts. If your images are PNG and the website accepts only JPG images, then you will have to convert PNG to JPG on Mac so that they can be accepted by the website. As difficult as this might sound, it is actually simple if you find the right PNG to JPG converter on Mac.

This measure must be taken in order to avoid the problem of not being able to upload or send a particular image when you are being faced with an error message stating file format not supported.

Manuel Gonzalez
Manuel Gonzalez Nov 04, 24
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