SVG to SVG Converter

Simple way to convert SVG to SVG online, for free.

*Tips: To learn more, please click how to compress video files with ease >>

online svg converter

How to convert SVG to SVG online?

choose svg file

Step 1

Upload SVG Files

Add SVG image(s) that you want to convert. The SVG to SVG converter online allows uploading multiple files at a time.

choose svg output format

Step 2

Convert SVG to SVG Free

Select SVG as output format and press on the Convert button to turn SVG to SVG online.
Reminder: Adjusting SVG file(s) size is optional, up to your needs.

save svg as svg

Step 3

Save SVG as SVG

Hit on the Download button to store your converted SVG file(s) as SVG format.

Information about SVG file format

File Extension .svg
Description SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is an XML-based vector image format developed by World Wide Web Consortium in 1999. It comes with a .svg filename extension. That said, SVG images can be searched, scripted, indexed, compressed, and scaled up without quality loss. Just like XML files, .svg files can be created and edited using any text editor. SVG files are primarily used to create logos, animated elements, diagrams, and charts.
Associated Programs Inkspace
Adobe Flash Professional
Adobe Illustrator
Developed By World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIME type image/svg+xml
Useful Link What is an SVG file
File Extension .svg
Description SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is an XML-based vector image format developed by World Wide Web Consortium in 1999. It comes with a .svg filename extension. That said, SVG images can be searched, scripted, indexed, compressed, and scaled up without quality loss. Just like XML files, .svg files can be created and edited using any text editor. SVG files are primarily used to create logos, animated elements, diagrams, and charts.
Associated Programs Inkspace
Adobe Flash Professional
Adobe Illustrator
Developed By World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIME type image/svg+xml
Useful Link What is an SVG file
SVG to SVG conversion quality rating:
4.7 (15,357 Votes)
You have to convert and download at least 1 file to rate!
We've already converted xxx ,xxx ,xxx files with a total size of 10,124 TB